Conor Dunne arrête sa carrière à 27 ans

L’Irlandais Conor Dunne a annoncé qu’il mettait un terme à sa carrière, à l’âge de 27 ans. Professionnel depuis 2014, il compte une victoire à son palmarès : le championnat d’Irlande 2018. Il appartenait à la formation Israel Cycling Academy depuis 2019.

« L’année prochaine, je vais raccrocher définitivement. Le cyclisme a été une aventure que je n’oublierai jamais, que j’ai partagée avec tant de gens incroyables. Il est difficile de dire au revoir à quelque chose qui m’a motivé pendant si longtemps, mais cela me semblait être le bon moment pour mettre mon énergie dans un nouveau défi et je suis tellement excité par la suite. » a-t-il rédigé sur les réseaux sociaux.

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I've been pretty quiet on my plans for next year, enjoying some time with my family and taking a break from everything. Next year I'll be hanging up the race wheels for good. Racing bikes was an adventure I'll never forget, that I shared with so many incredible people. It's hard to say goodbye to something that has motivated/driven me for so long but now felt like the right time to put my energy into a new challenge and I'm so excited about what comes next. I'm proud of what I managed within the sport, most of the time I got an absolute kicking but every now and then I managed to win the odd race with myself and I feel I always gave all I had in the process . However it wasn't the races or results that I'll look back on (not that I have many results to look back on 😂).. but its the people, places, experiences that will stay with me. Most important of all however, without cycling, I'd have never bumped into the most amazing girl I've ever met in my life and for this I'll be eternally grateful above all else. I'd like to say a massive massive thank you to everyone who helped me along the way, your support meant everything to me 🙏🚲 Yours in porridge, Conor x

Une publication partagée par Conor Dunne (@conordunne1) le

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